Internal Controls

Lace Bookkeeping offers an internal control system called Vitalics. This system was designed for small businesses to help reduce the risks of fraud. Applying anti-fraud internal controls ultimately provides reassurance to the owner that their business financials and assets are protected.

Small business fraud is approximately 40% higher than larger businesses simply due to a lack of structure and involvement. It’s common for business owners to appoint someone they “trust” to manage multiple duties but doesn’t involve themselves to review these accounting and managerial records therefore highly increasing the commitment of fraud.

Partnering with Lace Bookkeeping, I will perform an internal review using your financial records and business structures currently in place. I will locate vulnerabilities and design a customized internal control system for your business that you can begin to implement immediately. This personalized internal control system will strengthen your business’s weaknesses using policies, procedures and forms which I will review with you and train you on how to establish within your business.

✓ Internal Controls review
✓ Anti-Fraud, Internal Controls System, customized to safeguard your business